Since Pixelated Soundwaves, a Habbo-based project, is releasing soon, I wanted to use this opportunity to share some old screenshots I still had lingering around from the time I actively played Habbo. I highly enjoyed building rooms inside of the hotel and always took screenshots of rooms once I finished them for later reference and archive purposes.
I often built different types of carnival rides such as high speed merry go rounds, rollercoasters, skydivers and haunted houses with Habbo rollers (rolling platforms that can move Habbo’s and furnis) and in more recent years also with Wired (various furni that once combined allow you to create automatic processes inside of the hotel, like activating lights by stating a code word, or opening doors by double clicking on a specific tile, or removing a Habbo from a room when he or she walks on a specific tile, or transport a Habbo somewhere else in the room after stating a secret password etc). Besides carnival rides I liked to build a variety of rooms such as trade rooms, cafe's, nightclubs etcetera. Here's a bunch of screenshots taken between 2006 - 2021.
My old trading room. I believe I used Paint Shop Pro 7 to edit the picture frame. ugly af. Circa 2008
The first ride I have ever made. 2 chairs rolling around on 4 habbo rollers. The plants behind me were used to fill up the empty spaces and so to make the rollers stop moving. Circa 2006 |
Lodge bar. Circa 2017 |
Tiki bar/nightclub. Circa 2012 |
Low budget football stadium. Named after the real Millennium Stadium in Cardiff. Circa 2007.
Four Dragons Classic Casino. Named after likewise casino in GTA SA. Circa 2017
Jamaica trip roller coaster. More expensive than the first. Second version. Circa 2007.
Jamaica trip roller coaster. First version. Third ride I made. Circa 2006.
Turbo Blaster. my signature ride. Second ride I've ever created. This is a remake circa 2017. Original was made in spring 2006 in the same room lay out. | |
Apartment. Circa 2017.
Rock 'n Neon coaster. Named after Rock 'n Rollercoaster. Same layout as the original Jamaica trip, but updated to modern standards with automatic lights and start stop options. Circa 2019.
Euroborg Football Stadium, after the original stadium used by FC Groningen. Text reads 'FCG 1971', the year the club was found. Circa 2018.
Club Experience. Screenshot taken on May 16th, 2009
Club Experience. Screenshot taken on November 25th, 2008
Club Aurora. Circa November 2017.
Break dance ride. Original design by user jochie-5. 8 chairs moving on 16 rollers. The chairs rotate and make an in-out movement to create excitement during the ride. Circa 2007/2008
Break dance ride. Same design but in a different room layout.
Breakdance No 4. ride. Same design, same room but the ride is now floating above ground.
Breakdance ride. Christmas design 2007.
Breakdance ride called Revolution. Different room layout. Circa 2008/2009
Summer Party floating rollercoaster. Tore it down after a couple of days, didn't like this design at all. Never built it again.
Jungle Spider. Full automatic, fully wired and fully decorated version of the Turbo Blaster Ride. Can start/stop automatically, lights idem dito, adjustable speeds and chairs were able to rotate. Circa 2021.
Funfair Experience 2019. Funfair inside of a park with Turbo Blaster, couple of games, food stands and places to sit. Fully automatic and wired Turbo Blaster. Circa summer 2019
Simplified version of the Turbo Blaster. Circa 2019.
La Mazzo's Cafe. Circa christmas 2008
Office. Circa 2008/2009
Cyclone. A floating rollercoaster moving in a circle. Circa 2006 or 2007
Television rules the nation. Circa 2012
Firefly - a skydiver ride. when taking the tiles away, people will float in the air. Due to a bug in the game, you were able to place the tiles back at the same height and spot, allowing people to enter. Circa 2007.
Updated version of the Firefly. Now 4 tiles instead of 2, more capacity and easier to put the tiles back. Circa 2007.
Second version of Millenium Stadium. With more capacity and less shabby looking. Circa 2008
Power Kraken. Simplified updated version of the first ride I had made. Circa 2020.
MAL HQ - MazterMan Attractions Limited HQ. Circa 2021
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