Collection of my old Habbo Rooms

Since Pixelated Soundwaves, a Habbo-based project, is releasing soon, I wanted to use this opportunity to share some old screenshots I still had lingering around from the time I actively played Habbo. I highly enjoyed building rooms inside of the hotel and always took screenshots of rooms once I finished them for later reference and archive purposes. I often built different types of carnival rides such as high speed merry go rounds, rollercoasters, skydivers and haunted houses with Habbo rollers (rolling platforms that can move Habbo’s and furnis) and in more recent years also with Wired (various furni that once combined allow you to create automatic processes inside of the hotel, like activating lights by stating a code word, or opening doors by double clicking on a specific tile, or removing a Habbo from a room when he or she walks on a specific tile, or transport a Habbo somewhere else in the room after stating a secret password etc). Besides carnival rides I liked to build a v...