Time for new experiences
Considering this has only been the second post so far in 2021, it's safe to say I have been a bit quiet over the past couple of months to say the least. But since you saw that new shiny screenshot on top of the post just now, you've most likely drawn the conclusion that it's all about to change. Guess what. You're right. It's time for some announcements. While I am always busy coming up with new projects in different types of video games and mapping them out for myself for future reference, I have to say that my brain went a bit on overdrive the past three months as I added a large chunk of potential projects on my to-do list to be realized for the next couple of years. Quite some time was spent on categorizing and writing all of that stuff out of my head. Now that is all done, I can finally focus again on visualizing, creating, drinking coffee and blaming my mouse for the input lag whenever I get killed again on Quake III Online.
Speaking of Quake III, yes, the screenshot above was made within Quake III Movie Maker's Edition. It is a screenshot of a project I am currently working on. The image itself is already color graded by hand, enabling you to get a tiny peek of what the film will eventually look and feel like once it's released. The upcoming project will be the 4th Quake III Machinima in a one year period as the respective releases of DEPTHMAP NEXT, Hyper Reality and Pixelation took place throughout 2020. The upcoming Machinima revolves around a one-vs-one duel in an experimental fashion. The film is expected to last around a minute. The film will carry the name 'IGNIIITION'. An exact releasedate is in the works, but expect IGNIIITION to arrive somewhere in April or May. A second film called 'IGNIIITION Instagib' will be released later this year, in which an experimental approach is taken into visualizing a (over) crowded game of hi-speed Instagib. These two films will be representing Quake III in terms of APPOV's full release schedule this year. But wait! The best is still yet to come!
It's time for me to make an announcement I have been looking forward to share with all of you for quite some time. It's hard for me to bring this news with a straight face as I am extremely hyped to share the end result once it's finally complete. The truth is, I have been doing a collaboration Machinima project for over a year now with German game developer PixelSplit on one of their most popular games: "Virtual Rides III". Virtual Rides III is a funfair simulation game in which the player is
given full control on the customization and control of more than twenty
unique funfair rides on a fictional fairground. In a nutshell, your job is to be the best carnival ride operator as can be, and ensure your guests have the time of their life through full control of the rides, lights, various effects and look-and-feel of the ride. Today, we would like to introduce our co-production: 'Experience' (work in progress title). The final product will be a visual study of the virtual fairground from a large number of different perspectives. A release date is in the works, and further information about that and the runtime of the film will be shared once the time is right. 'Experience' is currently still in its production stage. Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to PixelSplit for the fruitful collaboration we've had thus far and I am looking forward for the next time period in which the film will truly come alive. Please take a look at the teaser below and let us know what you think on Discord.
More information about Virtual Rides III can be found here.
PixelSplit's official website can be found here.
The music in this project is composed by FEX. Check out his Spotify!
- Jordy
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