Time for new experiences

Considering this has only been the second post so far in 2021, it's safe to say I have been a bit quiet over the past couple of months to say the least. But since you saw that new shiny screenshot on top of the post just now, you've most likely drawn the conclusion that it's all about to change. Guess what. You're right. It's time for some announcements. While I am always busy coming up with new projects in different types of video games and mapping them out for myself for future reference, I have to say that my brain went a bit on overdrive the past three months as I added a large chunk of potential projects on my to-do list to be realized for the next couple of years. Quite some time was spent on categorizing and writing all of that stuff out of my head. Now that is all done, I can finally focus again on visualizing, creating, drinking coffee and blaming my mouse for the input lag whenever I get killed again on Quake III Online. Speaking of Quake III, yes, the...