
Showing posts from November, 2020


  A Pixelated Point of View is thrilled to announce that a direct sequel to ‘DEPTHMAP’ (2019) has been in production since september. The project is currently in the post-production stage and will carry the title ‘DEPTHMAP NEXT’. The film is set for release in december 2020 and will be released on YouTube, Vimeo, Behance and Blogspot. The original film ‘DEPTHMAP’ was released in late october 2019 and positively acclaimed by audiences across a multitude of disciplines. From professionals in the Machinima and motion picture field and Quake III players, towards media and film enthusiasts alike. Futhermore, the original ’DEPTHMAP’ was featured on the Milan Machinima Festival 2020; which was held online this earlier this year within Milan, Italy. The original film was approximately 2 minutes in runtime, and primarily consisted of grainy and black and white Depth of Field maps generated by Quake III Movie Maker’s Edition. The film consisted of a timed-edit on a experimental music track, ...

In Depth: Hyper Reality's Creative Process

 The first pieces that led to the creation of 'Hyper Reality' trace back to late august, early september of this year when I played Capture the Flag within Quake III Arena a few times a week. I used to prefer a Team Deathmatch or Free-For-All match, but during the past few weeks I became to seriously like and appreciate 'Capture The Flag'. So much so that it became my favorite game mode in just a few weeks. A significant contributor to this shift is the website ''. One day I jokingly googled if it was possible to play Quake III from a internet browser, simply because I was too lazy to switch onto a different computer. It turned out that 'quakejs' had created a Javascript port of Vanilla Quake III Arena and the CPMA mod. The website offers possibilities to play offline against bots, or to play online on a select number of custom-made servers. Guess which server was almost always full? Right. The Capture the Flag server. One reason why I used to...

Snippets and Trailers

  I tend to use my Vimeo and YouTube accounts in a co-existential manner. However, sometimes I end up posting smaller projects and exercises on my YouTube channel due to storage constraints on Vimeo. Two examples of these are 'Things to Come', a short one-minute Grand Theft Auto IV trailer I created in February of this year, and 'Snippets', a collection of private gameplay and Machinima clips that I created between 2006 and 2010. I created 'Things to Come' as a small exercise to re familiarize myself again with the game, as I am planning to use Grand Theft Auto IV again in the future for several projects. Since it had been over 6 years since I really dived into the game, I used this opportunity to create a short trailer. I installed the game, Simple Trainer and shot the footage as I went. In the end, I ended up spawning a lot of NPC's without spine cords and equipped with massive rocket launchers. The end result was a bit bizarre and quite interesting at the...

Release: Hyper Reality (2020)

          Out of all possible days, A Pixelated Point of View released its newest project 'Hyper Reality' on Friday the 13th. Hyper Reality is an experimental 15-minute match of Capture the Flag; inspired by a mix of the (traditional? nostalgic?) analog society, limitations of the game Quake III Arena, VHS video and today's modern 'hyper-society' driven by 'hyper-consumption'. Hyper Reality loudly tackles our wish to 'watch everything for the sake of watching something'. The name of the film was inspired by the scientific term 'Hyper Reality' by French sociologist Jean Baudrillard. However, the film did not remain loyal completely towards the official meaning of the term and shifted its aim towards the following ideas: a presentation of audiovisual chaos and the idea of hyper consumption in the most literal way (consuming as much moving images as possible within one single frame). A last form of inspiration was found inside my...

First post

First sentence.