
Showing posts from June, 2024

Tonight's Neuro-Sama Karaoke

There was another Neuro-Sama Karaoke Night tonight during which Neuro sang a new batch of songs, including a few duets with her sister Evil. They're also singing Japanese songs now, pretty much natively. It still blows my mind that AI can do this. Their voices have improved in general as well.

Checking out the Photo Mode on Hogwarts Legacy

I can vividly remember myself actively wondering during a number of Hogwarts Legacy streams why there hasn't been a photo or video mode included with the game thus far. As the game took place somewhere in the late 1800's, the idea of including some kind of a magical 'lanterna magica' or 'pre-prototype photo camera' really appealed to me. Well, low and behold, I guess I wasn't the only one who really wanted this mode, as WB rolled out an update last night with a number of QoL improvements, free items, and of course: a fancy new photo mode! I had downloaded the update the night before but because of sleep deprivation did not check out the new game mode yet (something with watching youtube shorts all night, being braindrained and deciding it was a good idea to stream at 7am that same morning..) That is why I decided to do a stream tonight around 7.30PM and check out the new photo mode live! During the stream I check out all the different options the photo mode