February Update (Huge)

It's time to catch up on what is going on behind the scenes! There's quite a bit going on, so let's start right away. A new milestone for Incantaro The edit for Incantaro has been definitively locked last weekend after the grading process was completed on sunday alongside the final selection of shots that are to be featured in the film. This means that in terms of visuals, the film has finally been considered complete and definitive. Incantaro clocks in at a runtime of approximately seven to seven and a half minutes and uses the idea of 'burst consumption' that was described in my earlier post from October last year. The grading process was quite extensive and exhausting at times, so I do really consider this a milestone. Sometimes I was grading shots for hours on end that literally lasted four to ten frames, which could make feel the progress real slow at times. Yet, in the end, it was all worth it when all the shots were neatly lined up on the timeline. I always...