RELEASE: APPOVTALK #02 - Creating Pixelated Soundwaves

After eight months it's time for a new installment in the APPOVTALK series. Episode two steps away from the Quake universe (just for now) and discusses the highly popular online game 'Habbo Hotel' in tandem with one of its most popular features from the past: 'Trax'. APPOVTALK 2 briefly discusses the roots of the hotel, the Trax feature in general and finally follows up with a demonstration of how Trax used to work on an externally operated 2009 Habbo Retro server that showed the game just before the merger from Shockwave to Flash; which unfortunately broke the Trax composing feature irreversibly in its wake (existing songs could be played again a couple of months later - yet, no new songs could ever be produced again). The video is pretty lengthy, around 30 minutes, but I prefer this kind of format as it allows me to truly speak my mind so to say and to really dive into the matter at hand. In addition it allows me to reflect a bit on the good old days of Habbo Hote...