ARENA - An update

Production is 67% done. All demo's have been recorded. Demo/footage capturing has been completed up to 120/203 maps. This week I hope to finish capping another 20 maps. I'm aiming to finish production of the demo capturing process somewhere in July and to start production on the custom maps afterwards. By then, production would then have taken four full months. There will be 3 custom maps. I am still thinking about what these maps should contain. One of the maps will be used as background footage during the credit roll. The other two are used within the film itself. My aim is to start post-production of ARENA during fall 2022. The idea is to release it before the end of the 2022. Expected runtime has been scaled down from 90 minutes to between 45 and 75 minutes. I will try to compose my own music for this film with my trusty new Novation Launchpad X. Emphasis is placed on 'try' because I have the musical capacity of a green pea. okbye. Here are some raw shots from capt...