In Depth: DEPTHMAP NEXT's Creative Process

Back in 2019, I had no idea that the original DEPTHMAP would even be considered creatively and artistically relevant until I started to put all of the pieces together in post-production. While the properties of the depth of field maps themselves were adjustable to some degree through console commands in Q3MME, it was simply impossible to get an idea about the end result until the capturing process was at least some time under way. Every batch of frames was a necessary evil in that regard as parts of the picture were either black or white and shifts in image were not directly visible. There was nothing in between. If a shot did not match the perceived outcome, I would need to resort back to my notes containing all of the numbers assigned to the depth of field properties and start over again. While repeatedly watching all of the footage and interpreting their usability and respective roles, I realized how interesting this particular project could be. During early post-production, it was ...